Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Hmmm, I'm not sure where to start. I think it is always good to look back at things you have done; see what worked, see what could be done differently next time... those kinds of things. But more importantly I think it is good to reflect on all the great things God was able to do because of our hard work and faithfulness.

Here are some of my thoughts after resting and thinking a day.

*WOW! It was fantastic!

* There are so many people that worked so hard behind the scenes. We should all be very thankful that they have been willing to answer God's call to serve Him here at Hilldale.

*Musically - you all were great, the orchestra was great, the sound was great.

*I am overwhelmed at the number of churches in our area that were represented at the three performances. "The Tree" truly is a city-wide event. That's pretty cool!

*Comments we received were so very kind. I hope you all feel very appreciated.

*It was a lot of work to involve the children and youth in our presentation, but worth it. These are the kinds of memories we need to build into our children so they will 1. realize they are an important part of our church NOW and 2. so they will carry on doing great things for God when we are 130 years old and locked in our rooms.

*I'm thankful for people who stepped in at the last minute to cover areas where others had to back out. They helped make "the Tree" a great success.

*The really awesome thing to see in a presentation like this is how God takes what we do - our hard work, our planning, our rehearsals, etc. - and doesn't just add them all together, He multiplies and makes something grander and more powerful than we could do on our own. Which reminds me of my favorite Bible verse.

Ephesians 3:20-21 20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.

What would I do differently?

Hmmm, probably not much.

I guess I might, no, that was good.

Maybe we should... hmm, that was good too.

I thought about... well, now that I think about it, that was great too.

But I definitely need to think twice before going to play racquetball with a star football player twenty years younger than me the day after "the Tree". I'm a bit sore today. But it was worth it.

Here are a few pics I thought you would enjoy.

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