Thursday, November 22, 2007

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

Happy Thanksgiving!

Things I am thankful for. Actually, first I want to put in here a great Bible verse.

James 1:17
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.

and this one from Ecclesiates

Ec 3:13
moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor--it is the gift of God.

I read this week that if you don't give thanks then it's thanks keeping. So listing things I am thankful for is my way of giving thanks to the Father from Whom all blessings flow.

Of course I'm thankful that God loves to give. He gives grace and mercy and love and peace and joy and more. I could go on for pages listing God's abundant physical blessings like food and cothes and homes. But here are the things I am most thankful for.

I'm thankful for my wonderful family:

My lovely wife, Cheryl. (Here we are last Valentine's Day.)

My Children, Andrew and Christy.

My daughter-in law and son-in-law, Haley and Daniel.

For my grandchildren: Gibson (5), Haven (almost 4), Hannah (21 months), Elam (15 months) and Benjamin (9 months)

My parents, Bill and Dolores
For my brothers and their families.
All of Cheryl's family.

I'm thankful God called me into vocational ministry and for the joy of leading people in worship each week.
and for my church, Hilldale Baptist Church
and our choir
and my pastor, Dr. Larry Roberston
and Pastoral staff: Mike, Terry, Verlon, Tim, Paul, Tony and Steve
and all the ladies who are such great help - Donna, my assistant
and pianists/keyboard players: Michelle, Mary Beth, Mrs. Church, Gena, Debbie and for another week or two, Lewis
and the guys in the band
and for sound guys and video guys and camera men and comptuer people and all of those who make worship happen each week (I'm afraid to list them for fear of leaving someone out, but you know who they are)
for a congregation that loves to sing and worship together
for music ministers across the state who I get to spend time with at concerts and festivals and on mission trips

I guess I could go on and on, but I guess this list shows that the things I am most thankful for are relationships. Stuff comes and goes. Cars get old and rusty, houses fall apart and the plumbing goes bad or the roof leaks, clothes go in and out of style, but the people God brings into our lives, whether family or friends, are what makes life so rich and so wonderful. And for all of these listed here and more, I am most thankful.


  1. I would like permission to use the "In Everything Give Thanks" graphic you have on this post. I am creating a flyer for a community Thanksgiving service. May I please use it?


  2. I would normally be more than happy to let you use that, but I don't remember where I got it. I probably found it through google too.
