Sunday, October 7, 2007


It's always good to stop and thank people from time to time. I have a whole list of people to thank. Without them we wouldn't be able to do what we do week by week. Since I would probably accidentally leave off a name if I listed each name individually, I'll list areas of ministry and maybe you will know the names. I'll see if I can add names to this tomorrow.

Here are the areas of ministry where we have faithful volunteers putting in many hours of work week by week.

Sound crew

TV crew

Camera men

MediaShout/Computer crew

Praise Band members

Donna, my Ministry Assistant who does all kinds of things to make Sundays happen

Ushers and greeters

Did I leave any groups out? Thank you to everyone for all you do in service for our church and ultimately for our Lord Jesus Christ. You are very much appreciated.

Let me encourage those of you reading this blog to find some of these folks and thank them yourself!

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