Friday, September 21, 2007

Wales update Friday - don't know the date

I think it's Friday anyway. I'm at an internet cafe paying 50 pence every ten minutes for internet and computer use.

We're very tired. We get in late at night. We sang three concerts yesterday: one on the town square (the pictures you see here), one at a hospital and then the big concert last night at a chapel in a small village of about 500 people. Another choir joined us. They hadn't been scheduled, but they heard about us on the BBC and from the other choir and seeing posters and they wanted to sing with us too. It is really cool. We sing at a different chapel each evening.

A lady from the BBC has our CD and is coming to our concert at the big hall at the University in Bangor tomorrow night.

This picture is of the chapel we sang in last night. the tomb stones were 7 and 8 feet high!

The response from the people here has been "brilliant" as the Welsh would say. a much bigger and better response than the missionaries had ever imagined. After the evening concerts we have "tea" - I guess we would call it a reception. They serve desserts and of course tea. They have giant tea pots and serve in china of course. No paper goods here. The tea here is quite smashing. Charlotte explains it is because it doesn't have orange pekoe in it. I don't know the resaon, but with some milk and two or three spoonfuls of sugar it is very delicious.

God is doing some great things here through our trip. My bill is adding up quickly, so ta-ta for now.

You can see more about our trip to Wales at

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