Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Kid’s Choral Connection

Bro. Tim and I are going to take our 3-5 grade choir to the Kids’ Choral Connection in September. They will have a super time. For one thing, Bro. Tim and I have a great time with kids. For another thing, they get a cool t-shirt, have some fun times and singing times and at the end they record a CD! How cool is that?
The dates are Sept. 28-29. More information will be in the mail to all of the kids this week. I just wanted you all to be the first to know!
Here are a couple of pics from one of the Celebration Times from last year.

1 comment:

  1. We got that brochure at church last night and Daniel saw your picture in there. I said "I thought he was going to Wales in September, I hope he didn't double book himself!"
