Monday, August 6, 2007

As the Deer

"As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after Thee." A beautiful text taken from the Psalms. I hope that is the depth of your longing for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I always have this beautiful pastoral scene in my mind as I think about that song - a lovely doe and her fawn at dawn, drinking from a beautiful stream, the sun's rays streak through the morning mist, the cardinals are singing their songs and the smell of honeysuckle hangs in the morning air - something you'd love to see when you look out your back window.

Well... today I am not picturing deer as something I want around Bear Hollow. The pastoral scene has been replaced by something very ugly. Sticks! My hostas were just starting to open up. I have a thirty or forty foot row of hostas and elephant ears along the wall by my creek. Those mean old deer have chomped off almost every single hosta bud. Oooooooo! Now there's just sticks where there used to be flower buds.
There are only two or three flowers that survived the deer snack-attack.
I still love the song, and the Psalm (Ps 42:1 ), but I may yell at the next deer I see in my backyard.
If you have that desire - that longing - to know the Lord in a deeper, more personal way, spend time both in personal, private time reading your Bible and praying and in corporate times of worship.
If you want to take pictures of deer snacking on hostas don't bring them over to Bear Hollow!

1 comment:

  1. Did you notice the one cluster of flowers left in the bottom picture? I guess the deer came back because it was gone this morning.
