Monday, July 16, 2007

What Station Are You On?

I heard an interesting conversation this morning. Someone said, "Do you listen to the oldies station?" "I used to, but the one I liked went off the air", was the reply. Well, that started a whole series of radio comments. "I listen to WXYZ. It's the best." "Oh, I never listen to that one. The best one is 82.7!" "I used to listen to oldies but they changed it to something else." "Southern gospel saxophone is the only thing I ever listen to." "You should try that new station out of, where was that? anyway, they play the most relaxing music. It's wonderful."

And on they went. (OK, I'll admit I made up some of that.) But the interesting thing was that out of the 5 people listening to the radio this morning there were 7 opinions of which station played the best music.

After hearing everyone's views on music I was really glad to be the Worship Pastor of a church that likes all kinds of music. And what makes it work so nicely is that everyone at Hilldale is happy to sing all the different styles. It's part of living out Phillipians 2:3 "Do nothing out of rivalry or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves."

As we willingly sing music that isn't particularly our favorite style, just because we know it touches the heart of others, we are considering them more important. As someone else sings music that you like they are treating you as more important.

Pretty cool, huh? How we can model the Christian life for each other and to the world as we gather together and worship. What station are you on? I hope you are the station where you can worship God with us each Sunday as we gather together. I'll be looking for you this Sunday! (If you are in choir I'll be looking for you Wednesday!)

1 comment:

  1. In case you were wondering - probably weren't - I listen to WPLN (classical), The Fish (doesn't reach to Clarksville), Achristians Station I found here (don't know the numbers or letters yet) Way FM, Mix 92.9, and if they talk too much I change the station.
