Thursday, December 17, 2009


The Christmas season is such a wonderful time! It would take me too long to mention all the great things that happened during this year's Living Christmas Tree, our Sunday morning services are so joyful as we sing the music of Christmas, the lights on houses are festive, the baby gate around our tree at home keeps the little ones from hauling off all of the ornaments or climbing up the tree, family and friends are all smiles as each new Christmas event takes place ... it's just a great time of year.

I hope you are taking time from the hectic pace of the holidays to relax a little and enjoy all the things happening around you. And then don't just be a spectator, join in the song and the fun and the festivities and the food.

We'll be singing some of your favorite Christmas carols and songs this Sunday morning at 8:30 and 9:45 and then again on Christmas Eve at 5:00. Bring your family. Sit with your children (they need to be with you in a service now and then - and more often than not if you ask me - which I guess if you're reading my blog, you did ask me. hahaha)

Here are two of my favorite pictures from Christmas. Can you find the differences?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

BIG Rehearsal Night

Tonight's rehearsal begins at 6:00! This is earlier than the usual time. Spread the word.

If you have a student or family member as part of the cast please have them bring their costume tonight. They don't have to wear them for the rehearsal, but they need to be seen in them to make sure everything is ready for dress rehearsal tomorrow.

We are expecting REALLY BIG crowds. We have given away more tickets than we maybe should have. The excitement has caught on and we are getting tons of calls every day asking for more tickets. We're out! (And we printed a few more than we actually have seats for.....)

See you tonight at 6:00.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rehearsal Schedule

I hate not posting regularly, but the last few weeks have been pretty crazy! If Abe Lincoln had followed the church calendar he wouldn't have put Thanksgiving so close to the beginning of Advent! Too much to do to take a weekend off.

Here is our rehearsal schedule if for some odd reason you have missed it.

Sunday, Dec. 6, 5:00 - all choirs walk through (and sing some) the whole program

Monday, Dec. 7, 6:00 - orchestra rehearsal - soloists can come by and sing their song

Tuesday, Dec. 8 - take the night off - go to supper with your family

Wednesday, Dec. 9, 6:00 - ALL choirs, church orchestra members, all cast

Thursday, Dec. 10, 6:00 - dress rehearsal with EVERYONE and orchestra

Friday, Dec. 11, 6:30 call, 7:00 performance (whichever children's choir is singing pre-tree needs to be here at 6:00)

Saturday, Dec. 12, 6:30 call, 7:00 performance (whichever children's choir is singing pre-tree needs to be here at 6:00)

Sunday, Dec. 13, 2:30 call, 3:00 performance (whichever children's choir is singing pre-tree needs to be here at 2:00)

We have given out over 850 tickets for every performance so far and that is before the door knockers go out Sunday and radio ads start and newspaper article is printed. Tell your family and friends to come early to get a good seat!

WOOOHOOOOO! It's gonna be great!